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Upgrade the Application

We try release updates regularly to implement new features. Also we continuesly updated the application to fix known bugs and improve security.

We also always recommended to use the latest version of application as it helps you get latest features and improve your application security.

Follow the guidelines to upgrade


Always keep backup your current database & files before upgrading the application, unless you lost your data.

If you are facing any issues while upgrading, please email us at info(at)

Please follow the instructions & keep in mind when you perform as below -

  • Keep backup of the whole application files and your current database.
    You can easily rollback to previous version incase any error occoured.
  • Please download the latest package from CodeCanyon and extract into your computer.
  • On your server, delete everything from core_invapp folder except these folders core_invapp/storage, core_invapp/bootstrap and the core_invapp/.env file.
  • Now you need to upload all the NEW folders & files from core_invapp folder except these folders core_invapp/nioaddons, core_invapp/storage, core_invapp/bootstrap and core_invapp/.env file.
    You can create zip file without above mentioned folder and file and upload into server for save time.
  • After that, you need to upload all the NEW files and folder from public/assets folder to your server public/assets or public_html/assets folder.
  • Once above done, please cleanup the system cache files from bootstrap/cache, storage/framework/views, storage/framework/sessions & storage/framework/cache folders and folow the upgrade notes below.
  • Finally you can to login into your application using super admin account and clear cache application cache from your Application Settings.
    Note: once you login, application may promote to database migrate. Please follow that to apply new updates.
  • After that please review all the settings and nessasary changes before start using.

If you have any question regarding upgrade, please feel free to contact our support team.

Thanks for using latest version of Investorm.

Extra Modules required to install

If you already installed any Extra Module into application then you must re-install those modules as per each module installation guide. You must do that just after cleanup files and before login into application.

Regenarate lanuage files after upgrade

If you have other languages rather than English, then you to need regenarate the language files after successfully upgraded, unless language system will not work just becuase of missing file.

Please note:
You must sync your json files into database if you made any changes on json. It will help you regenarate the language files anytime or something wrong in json files.

Upgrade to v1.1+

If you are using v1.0, then you need to update index.php file as per release details.